Triptychs and Paintings in Series
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Oil Paintings - 8" x 8" - $150 each, Triptychs $400 for all 3
or $150 each
Salmon Creek Triptych 1 - A
Salmon Creek Triptych 1 - B
Salmon Creek Triptych 1 - C
Salmon Creek Triptych 2 - A
Salmon Creek Triptych 2 - B
Salmon Creek Triptych 2 - C
Oil Paintings - 10"x 24" - $350 each
Blind Beach Waves I
Blind Beach Waves II
Blind Beach Waves III
Girl in Yellow Skirt I
Girl in Yellow Skirt II
Girl in Yellow Skirt III
Oil Paintings - 15"x 40" - $600 each
Infinity Series II
Infinity Series III
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