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Archived Oil Paintings

Please note that many of these paintings have been sold. 
If you are interested in a painting or two, please contact Ron for information on availability and current pricing.



"Looking West"  10"x 24"

# 1  -  5" x 24"     $300


#2  -  5" x 24"     $300



                                              #3  -  8" x 8"     $150                        #4  -  8" x 8"     $150                          #5  -  8" x 8"     $150



  #6  -  10" x 24"     $350



                                                       #7  -  8" x 15"     $200                                                #8  -  10" x 20"     $300



                                                          #9   18" x 18"    $400                                                        #10   18" x 18"    $400



                                              #11   10" x 24"    $350                                                                  #12   10" x 20"     $300



                                           #13   8" x 8"    $150                              #14   8" x 8"    $150                           #15   8" x 8"    $150



                                            #16   8" x 8"    $150                            #17   8" x 8"    $150                            #18   8" x 8"    $150



                                          #19   8" x 8"    $150                               #20   8" x 8"    $150                        #21   8" x 8"    $150



                                          #22   8" x 8"    $150                              #23   8" x 8"    $150                            #24   8" x 8"    $150



                                          #25   8" x 8"    $150                                #26   8" x 8"    $150                            #27   8" x 8"    $150


#28   12" x 60"    $1200


#29   12" x 60"    $1200

More Archived Paintings   

                         Sold Paintings       Salmon Creek (smaller)       Salmon Creek (larger)      Paintings in Series

 Shore Birds

Framed Oil Paintings - 6" x 6" and 6" x 8" - $100 each



                                                             Godwit                                    Brown Pelican                           Black Necked Stilt



                                                                                      Seagull                               Buddies on the Beach



website by Lois Phillips